Is your business a family business? When most people hear that phrase they think in terms of some formal and regular involvement of family members in defined business activities with some payment for such activity. Yet in the broadest sense, family businesses cover a much broader involvement of family members. The work might include the […]
Understand Your Customers’ Online Service Expectations
How do your customers feel about the opportunity to access your company online? This may be to find information, search for products or services, make a purchase, ask a question, discuss a problem, find more information, get store hours, or determine where you are located. Have you ever thought about this question? Or perhaps you […]
Prepare for Success in Your Small Business
Business owners work hard to achieve success. Yet when they achieve that goal, sometimes they are not ready for the consequences. Owners often are focused on being able to overcome all sorts of hurdles as they open and run their business. It rarely occurs to them that they also need to do some planning for […]