How can local businesses build more sales through social media? Just ask for requests, then answer them. Your fellow reader Julie Barr wrote in with this example she spotted: Hi Becky, I knew you would appreciate how our local liquor store took to social media to increase their business! Here’s what they did: The […]
How to Use Pinterest and Vimeo to Market Your Rural Business
Guest post by H. E. James, MBA Marketing a rural business is never easy. Standing out from the crowd of larger businesses with bigger budgets isn’t easy, but social media has made the marketing world a much smaller place. At the same time, it may feel that there are too many social media platforms to […]
Six ways to use a tablet to boost your small business productivity
“Man, getting iPads was like discovering fire,” Lance Morgan, CEO of Ho-Chunk Inc., told me years ago. It’s still true that tablets can revolutionize business, but they can also be a boost to your personal productivity. We talked about ways to use tablets in retail businesses, and this time we’re talking about ways you can […]
10 Ways to use an iPad or Android tablet in retail
I run a retail store in a small town, and I love technology. That’s why I came up with these ten ways you can put an Android tablet or iPad to work in your rural retail business. 1. Take payments at the Point of Sale Throw away your old cash register. A tablet makes […]