How can local businesses build more sales through social media? Just ask for requests, then answer them.
Your fellow reader Julie Barr wrote in with this example she spotted:
Hi Becky,
I knew you would appreciate how our local liquor store took to social media to increase their business! Here’s what they did:
The Apple Barrel posted on their Facebook page, asking their customers to let them know what is missing in their inventory, or what new product lines they could carry. And the requests “poured” (pun intended) in. Then, they responded to each and every one of the comments.
“Hey, thanks, that’s a great idea!” “We will have that in for you on Friday, Julie!” “While that’s a seasonal item, Mallory, we put it on our list for next fall!” “We will ask our distributor to hunt that down for you, Joe.” “We’ll have it here tomorrow for you, Susan.” And on and on.
As customers, each of our requests were treated individually, AND most wishes were granted. (The guy that asked about a deli counter may have to wait a bit, but it sounds like it might be in future plans.) The store didn’t flat out ask for orders, or just say they take special orders, they took it a few steps further, engaged their audience in thinking about specifics, and offered exceptional customer service for ALL to see. I’m picking up my very special order later today. TGIF!
Simple and effective use of social media.
Great idea, and thanks for sharing it, Julie!
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The rural small business blog. We talk about small town business, with how-to articles, especially on social media marketing and making your community a better place. We use this “author” for announcements and other things you’ll want to know.