Many small businesses can’t qualify for a small business loan from a traditional local bank. A bad credit record disqualifies many. Lending standards have tightened. Some small towns are limited by local banks that don’t support small business; others don’t have locally-owned banks any more. The good news is that alternatives are available. We’ll be […]
Alternatives to small business loans
Many small businesses can’t qualify for a small business loan from a traditional local bank. A bad credit record disqualifies many. Lending standards have tightened. Some small towns are limited by local banks that don’t support small business; others don’t have locally-owned banks any more. The good news is that alternatives are available. We’ll be […]
Converting to Square for credit card processing
I have a bricks and mortar liquor store. We have used traditional credit card merchant processing for five years, and we just switched over to Square. I’ll tell you why we converted and how we did it. Our Old “Traditional” Merchant Processing Yes, I really do have a liquor store. Our traditional merchant was Retriever […]
Local investing could solve several rural business problems
What if we could change investing from a gamble in the stock market into a local development tool? That’s the basic question behind Amy Cortese’s book “Locavesting: The Revolution in Local Investing and How to Profit From It.” This book does a great job of explaining the problems in the current financial system, and laying […]