To stay in business, people need to buy your products and/or services. That statement should come as no surprise. Yet routinely, I encounter business owners who have not made any attempt to categorize potential clients in terms of their desire and need to buy. Not doing so means you may be missing your best opportunities. […]
When things go wrong, this is the secret way to keep customers happy
We’ve all had times when we weren’t able to deliver what we promised to our customers. Maybe you’re going to be able to do it, but not when you promised. Or maybe it’s not going to be quite the way you said. Maybe a supplier didn’t deliver to you on time. Maybe you had […]
Learn From the Mistakes of Others
Starting a business is a risky endeavor. But knowing does not stop many small-business owners. Every day owners open the doors to their business. Some end up satisfied with the results but many others decide, at some point, to close the doors. The reasons for such closures are often not a secret. Talk with any […]
The Old Market Methods Still Work
While today’s business owners need to market online, they shouldn’t ignore traditional marketing methods. The reality is that an effective marketing campaign uses the tool that best reaches the target market. For many businesses owners, especially those in rural communities, that tool continues to be one of the traditional marketing venues. An example of such […]