The day is nearly here for you to open the doors of your new business. What a great feeling! Have you thought about who might be your first customer? Might I suggest that the first person should be your worst critic, or might I even say nightmare? That comment probably dampened your enthusiasm. Why start […]
Start Your Business on the Side
Admit it. You want to own your own business. Saying this is OK. Many people feel the same as you do. Owning a business is a goal many of us have, just like we want to own our own house. Yet turning that wish into reality is the hurdle where many people stop. It’s scary. […]
Small-business Success Tips
Going into business for yourself is always a scary idea, especially for the first-time business owner. You seem to have so much to do and so little time to get it done. The first-time business owner faces even more uncertainty because every step is a completely new experience. Running a business is a daunting task. […]
Building a Sustainable Business
As you probably know, if you are going into business, the odds your business will be around in five years are not good. But they aren’t as bad as you may think, either. Approximately one-third of businesses close within two years. At the five-year mark, about one-half of all businesses have closed. We don’t approach […]