How many hits did you get? Or how many people saw your ad? If you have read many articles on marketing, especially those talking about social media marketing, you may come away with the idea that marketing is a numbers game. The more people who “like” your page or respond to your advertisement, the better […]
Planning and Your Small Business
What plans are you making for your business? For many of us, the idea of developing a plan is just overwhelming, scary and something we often just don’t do. It sounds tedious and time-consuming, and is seen as something that’s useful only as a doorstop. Yet ask a business owner who takes the planning process […]
Don’t be the “Best-kept Secret”
Is your business the “best-kept secret?” While that question should make you smile, it also should raise a concern. Reaching your full potential will not happen if people don’t know your business exists. How do you know if you are the best-kept secret? If you finish a sale and your customer comments she wishes she had […]
Local Food Interest Grows Small-farm Producer Numbers
Local food interest is creating opportunities across the country. This interest is evident when you examine the growth in the number of growers and farmers markets. It also is noticeable in the news and on social media, where you see and hear phrases such as “local foods,” “local producers,” “food hubs,” and “regional food systems,” […]