Farming is an organic process of seasons and cycles, and so is marketing. In fact, I think marketers and business people have a lot to learn from farmers. On The Pulse on Marketing show, I shared some of these ideas. The “reaping rules” we talked about in the video were outlined in a guest post […]
Discipline yourself to succeed in business (VIDEO)
Joe Sorge understands business because he is a business owner, with a handful of restaurants and event places in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He and I share that background in bricks and mortar business, and we share many similar opinions about business. He invited me to be a guest on Kitchen Table Talks with Chris Brogan so […]
Why rural people need to get together online and in person (VIDEO)
Last year at the Small Town 140 Conference, I shared a bit of a rant about how outside people see small towns and why that matters to us getting together online and in person. If you can’t see the video, please click through to Small Biz Survival. Here’s what I said: Last week I opened […]
Small Town Rules apply to you (video)
Since our book Small Town Rules was released by Que Publishing this spring, Barry Moltz and I have been sharing lots of videos, interviews, and guest posts all over the web on the ideas in it. Because I’m so close to this subject, I forget that you haven’t seen much of it here. I finally realized […]