If you’ve started a new business during the past year, you may be wondering how to file your first tax return as a sole proprietor. Here’s the run-down for businesses in the USA. How do you know if you’re a sole proprietor? If you haven’t incorporated, you are a sole proprietor. If you formed an […]
Search Results for: label/Small Biz 100
How we formed our own Business Advisers Group
It all started at SOBCon08. I met, in person, some online friends and made some new ones. After that conference, I started contacting a few people, drawing them in for a very business minded group. I was looking for people that were approximately my peers, not way ahead or way behind in knowledge. Everyone had […]
Love your customers
It’s the most basic of business basics. Love your customers. You’re heard it a million times, and if you’re feeling stressed, it’s easy to forget. When you are working, in the flow, making progress, and a customer calls or walks in and interrupts, it’s hard to remember. But… how do you work on that? Jon […]
Cooperative eXtension helps rural small businesses
You’re in a small town; you’re running a business. Did you know your local cooperative extension has an entrepreneurship program to help you? Yes, the cooperative extension service. They’re probably in your county courthouse. In Oklahoma, the statewide entrepreneurship program includes more than the usual fact sheets. Glenn Muske specializes in home-based and micro-business. Then […]